Hello and welcome to (hopefully) a regular Bumpstart Babyshop blog. I'm Helen, proud owner of Bumpstart, my business which I've developed over the past 25 years. Since Bumpstart is all about families: starting families, adding to families, celebrating new member(s) of the family and so on, I wanted to begin this new blogging venture by introducing you to the Bumpstart Babyshop family!
The Bumpstart Babyshop Story
But before I do, let me tell you why I'm so proud of, and passionate about, my business. In 1992 I was eight and a half months pregnant with my second daughter when my car was stolen. As if that wasn't bad enough in my car was my baby car seat, pram and travel cot. The car was eventually found wrapped around a lamp post, and missing those essential items, which I was then quoted by a local store would take several weeks to replace. I made up my mind that mums-to-be deserved better, so I set up my shop retailing new and second-hand baby equipment, initially as a franchised business and since 2007 as an independent retailer. Due to the success of Ebay, there is little point in selling second hand goods in the shop these days, so we don't, and I prefer to specialise in stocking the best quality baby and nursery equipment money can buy. However you cant put a price on knowledge, expertise and experience, so read on....
More than a shop selling baby goods
My quest for outstanding quality goes deeper than just what is on the shop floor. I know how vital it is to have the skills to offer superior customer service to match the superior goods we stock. And my team has those skills by the bucketload. So here's a brief introduction to the Bumpstart Babyshop family:
Janette. Janette has been with me for pretty much the entire Babyshop journey. She's my manager in so many ways! Her 22 years' experience and knowledge is priceless. And she's a mum too. She's very precise about how she sees herself: "I'm not a sales person" which is perfect for us. Janette's not here to hard-sell; she's here to share her years of know-how so that our customers make the right decision for them.
Susan. Susan has worked closely with Janette and me for nearly 20 years. A mum of two, she says that the best thing about Bumpstart is that it feels like family. This is also what we aim for our customers to feel when they visit us; a sense of walking into a place where everyone simply wants the best for you and your own precious family.
Katie. Katie first came to Bumpstart as a customer when her own young daughter was just a bump! Seven years later (just a "newbie" then!), and Katie is as much an expert as the rest of the team. We're very happy that she loved Bumpstart so much that she's extended her own family to include us.
Charlotte. Although Charlotte is the youngest in our team, her understanding of all our products is remarkable. She's an old head on young shoulders, according to her Bumpstart sisters, and her customer service skills are impressive, as is her product knowledge.
Last words (I promise!)
I've been told that a blog needs to be shortish, so I confess that I've struggled with this one! There is so much I want to share with you: our passion for safety, which is shy we like to fit your baby's car seat personally into your car; our special relationship with ICandy and their amazing pushchairs and prams; the exciting new products I'd love you to see; but it will all have to wait for another month. In the meantime, you're very welcome to come and meet the Bumpstart "family" in person and tell us your family story. We look forward to seeing you soon. Until next time .......